A mere marital squabble in the long enduring 3-way marriage household of Demos, Repos, and Corpos, which could only be in the USA. They are spending real global wealth like there is no tomorrow. Hey big spenders! Corporate greed has no limits. Corpos are legalized sociopaths. Corpos will take over government entirely, by any means, since the political system is money rotted, and the politicians are still in practice to compete as noisey self-promoting money puppets, trying to attract attention of money masters, to have wealthy promoters. Failure to restrict corporate power and influence leads to more and faster global waste.
We are still going for maximum rate of non-renewable resource consumption, even when it is obvious so many resources are close to economic exhaustion. In capitalist economics, scarcity makes things so much more valuable, all the better to drive to exhaustion and extinction.
Better to call them Capoliticians, or Capo – liticians , as employees and even leaders of corporate crime bosses. Capoliticians are capitalist morgue beauticians, making global death look pretty, making wealth for a few look like success for all.
No big power difference in fundamentals from the Russian, Indian and Chinese ruling oligarchies, or any national human government systems that have exceeded their life support systems scale, and are desperate to exploit to maintain their over-bigness, in the realm of systems incompetence. Capitalism is the destruction of global life systems wealth, for immediate gratifications of rulers and subjects. There is no such thing as sustainable profits. On a finite planet, powered by solar energy, every material and mineral must be eventually returned, recycled and reused. When the circulation of life’s material supports is one way, system death ensues. That is where global life systems are rapidly going.
The energy economics of global resource extraction will keep getting harder. Corporations will keep needing to squeeze more concessions from government. Global military hegemony push is becoming more expensive and also more ineffective. The USA global killer military budget keeps asking for more. It isn’t advancing anything except stale mate, the destruction of creativity, and waste of resources. The entire USA government setup is to be condemned for the massive waste of planet earth life, disappearing so fast.
Such a great waste of life systems and global resources ensures that human species recorded lifetime history, written during civilisation time, will be much shorter than any wiser or better regulated variation. Given human and social frailties, and our failures to understand our role in life systems, and the religious need for humans to feel exceptional, perhaps it could not have been any other way.