A metric of inequality in affordable energy per person is dropping fast. Failure of incomes to rise, with rising costs of coal oil and gas, means the industrial machines can no longer deliver their products and services to everyone. Lack of welfare and compassion for the structurally unemployed turns the over populated states into a mass of people that fight and elbow each other for survival. The elites are are for the most part running the systems in order to compete and profit among themselves. Wars are instituted for the sake of resources for oligarchs and corporate profits, media empires serve the class manipulation wars. Institutions are weakened corrupted and fail. We are in social breakdown modes, and the global ecological crises and multiple planetary boundary breaches are just unfortunate collateral damage, making up a spiralling vortex of shrinking carrying capacity reduction as civilisation circles and pours down the resource waste drain hole. The global collapse impoverishes everything and raises mass death rates until population times consumption gets well below the fast diminishing global carrying capacity. The continued excess demand for resources keeps further killing environment carrying capacity, until their is total biosphere extinction and collapse. We are too hard to kill.