Breaking bad unfit
Extra, extra!
Read all about it!
Climate change is real!
There’s no doubt about it!
Coal, Oil and Gas,
power exploitonomy.
Big COG grew so fast,
drivers of economy.
Richest fossil fools,
deny all connections.
Big COG of death requires,
real science rejections.
Monster COG corrupts,
at national elections.
No leader gets to win,
without big COG affections.
Carrots of wealth and jobs,
lifestyle — consumer clubs.
Parties the fake debate mobs,
government sewer fat blobs.
Forest die-backs, cut and burned,
extinction points we scored.
Transpiration gone, rain gone,
civilisation to desert again.
Pure capitalism brings,
COG false-profit kings.
Money gained by wrongs,
Natures death by stings.
Earth a piece of toast,
in greenhouse toaster.
Let us burn, melt and roast,
while big COG spins twister.
State governments run,
as corporate COG con.
All systems collapse.
Extinction will be done.
Home sapiens exploitus,
believers of bullshit,
brainwashed and rootless,
breaking bad unfit.
Here is our destiny,
don’t hold your breath.
Denial of death,
causes our anxiety
“There are reasons why Nature behaves in this way, but the point I made at the school was not so much about why the curve is so common but how human beings are not normally aware of it. In fact, our thought is often shaped by the idea that things will continue evolving the way they have been evolving up to a certain point.”