Dark Engine of Western Oil Civilisation

Michael Rynn
10 min readJul 19, 2021


In the past five decades of human history it is dangerous to pull on any sensitive strings in the entangled ball of key political events, wars of aggression, terrorism, wars on terror. So much has become dark national preoccupations, hidden beyond polite conversation, while the long horror movie is still in progress in the background. It is dangerous that someone will talk and the whole attached mess just spills out. The biggest danger is to realise who we really are.

I am an Australia Citizen, now sixty four years of age. I am so far fortunate, but it seems that my national government is totally spineless in making a very simple public request to the USA to have all the charges against Julian Assange dropped. He is still being held pending extradition hearing appeal. Because the charges are all entirely and obviously bogus, but there seems to exists a deep widespread system fear against him to be ever set free, related to the governing unconscious mechanisms of western civilisation, for whom the media act as gatekeepers.

I publicly protested against the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 since I understood that the USA, on behalf of all western civilisation, was intent on a deceitful, murderous war on Iraq. Many citizens staged impressively large demonstrations against this, all around the world. So much for the democracy and peoples emotional intelligence trying to steer some conscious control of western civilisation. Ditto for the many efforts at global warming protests in even bigger numbers and locations against the same powers.

Many thinking and feeling people may not have recovered from the shock of having to believe that this war still went ahead as planned, and see its unbelievable course and results. We all failed in a way we do not understand. Who did the Australian government of the time really think they were good for?

The USA had convinced many other nations to join and support the “pre-emptive” military actions and later prolonged occupation, on the confected excuse of dangers to the world of “weapons of mass destruction” said to be held by the nation of Iraq. Australia’s support was not even a question.

The preparation for war, had occurred with years of escalating propaganda by mainstream media, that passed on unopposed “acceptable” propaganda, leading right up to invasion. This was a war justification planned by innuendo, like Shakespeare’s character Iago in Othello. The Weapons of Mass Destruction — WMD were an invisible MacGuffin of fakery, around which a pretense of hysteria and desperation was constructed.

Donald Rumsfeld has died, safe from any reach of criminal justice. He was a critical central figure as Defense Secretary, the inventor of many facts and figures about Iraq, none of which based on real sources. He was not lone wolf, but a successful political network man backed by a tradition of murky bunch of oil, money, military, and weapons covert power players underneath the USA government, that have been forever meddling in middle east affairs, because of oil.

On the surface it is the USA government that is pressuring the UK for the extradition of Julian Assange, and gives out a “hacking story”. The players and motivations are deeply hidden inside the generations of entangled dirty oily business beneath. Parts of it are called the military industrial complex, but it would seems to involve the entire cesspool of governments, military and spy agencies of western civilisation, so it is really the dark engine of western oil civilisation. Our DEWOC monster, that has raised us, and employed us in our consumer society. It is something more sinister and dangerous than your average conspiracy, because it is part of accepted normality. It includes actual corporations, banks and all the commercial and political relationships of today.

The nation members of DEWOC include Russia, China, India, down to all the smaller bits of the global economy and civilisation which is dependent on oil and other fossil fuels to maintain our mutual looting of the biosphere and its mineral resources. We on the internet are all full paying and consuming participants. Harvested stuff goes and comes on the lowest energy cost containers on ships all around the world.

There is plenty of coups, weapons, insurrections and wars, and all their counter responses. An accurate description of the entire mess requires more than a couple of multi-volume historians writing books for decades, so it is important to have the right evocative phrases and leave the rest to the imagination. The murk and motive and connections beneath are deep into many government branches, since oil energy relationships are a fundamental power sources for the wealth of economies and stability of governments.

Such total murk and obfuscation of motivation seems to be essential to wielding power by the incitement of populations to wars by traditional means of appeal to emotional grievances of religion, race, and the treatment of foreign peoples to the status of being animals for slaughter. In this dark world the journalist doing a human job of objectivity and factual reporting for his audience of readers and democratic motivated citizens is an enemy dog to be imprisoned or assassinated.

Such stark contrasts between the surface rationality of civilisations and our keeping up social appearances among peer society, and the sometimes brutal irrationality of our emotions fuelled by our technological powers, to be used against other parts of civilisations like our selves, is why human species are good at killing each other and are destroying all space competing biosystems. We are not responsible or mature enough as societies to control our own growth, or treat other living systems as deserving equals, let alone treat other human societies as equals.

The principle of agricultural civilisation, later magnified by industrial civilisation, has been to squash the development of mental and emotional maturity, and growth of human adults, into narrow specialisation into active agents serving an aggressive social machine.

Arrested and damaged personality developments ensure the production rates of evil minded personalities are much higher, and such ponerology can fit well within the purposes of the aggressive human social machine. Human individuals cannot be mature and free, while being the narrowly conditioned industrial products of nation-states. It is well acknowledged that human reality is socially conditioned, and this is part of our current dire ecological predicaments.

The ongoing struggling economic growth of DEWOC are still following predictions of well known ecological and economic system models, of which DEWOC and the dark consuming hungers of its numerous mal-developed slaves of civilisation provide the driving force.

The progressing climate models threaten to finish our story. Our story is still likely be fully determined by our future 100 year completion of the 1,400 GtC “terafart” of the DEWOC, the 400,000 year earth systems impact to be our final epitaph record for the future. Motley groups of survivors will leave our culture and civilisation behind as a steaming piles of concrete rubble, by the end of this century. This future history scenario is outlined in the work “Hot Earth Dreams” by Frank Landis, in conventional researched and thought out detail. I read that he dislikes the projections as much as I do.

National governments can be more or less effective on the superficial levels of rationality but the whole societies work more like an insect colonies, and communication is by languages, both spoken and written, which depend on shared social meanings, and the level of activation is by emotion triggered by fact control, by carefully regulated media, and by the economic swarming around resources to be exploited.

Some surface facts on past game plays from Wikipedia. The elimination of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was the to be a first step in the fall of many middle eastern states inconvenient to the USA and Israel, as detailed in a 1996 paper prepared for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. Feith worked directly under Donald Rumsfield. Destabilization is the prime policy directive of the USA against any non-controlled world government. This this should be history information for the kindergarten.

Perle had contacts with the infamous Ahmed Chalabi, a pivotal figure helping to feed “information” to the US Congress about Iraq, to sell the war effort. In January 2012, a French intelligence official stated that he believed Chalabi to be “acting on behalf of Iran”. Such was the final damages done. Chalabi died in 2015 as a member of the Iraqi Parliament, so he finally achieved his return from being a talented but exiled Shia Muslim, against the Saddam Hussein and Baath government infrastructure. Chalabi helped to ferment the delusions of DEWOC, on the basis of his own.

This was a counter-play episode after centuries of Shia-Sunni religious doctrinal and political conflict. Chalabi achieved his desires, of getting rid of one devil, but only by invoking a greater devil. The latest war ripped out working heart of government systems out of Iraq, by invasion, destruction and desecretion, because they had the wrong religious-political flavour. Up till then the domestic oil wealth, and tight organisational power had enabled better domestic job than many governments, apart from earlier ill-advised wars against Iran and later Kuwait which were encourage on by USA support. Now is the rubble of collapse and chaos, plus some capture of oil wealth, which appears to be a common desired end result of the many interventions of DEWOC devil.

Perle went on tours of Europe telling officials that the USA would attack Iraq even if UN inspectors didn’t find anything, while working at the alternative secret intelligence offices established in the Pentagon to justify the war against Iraq. Meanwhile UN weapons inspectors, the agents of the rational world, were unable to find any evidence for the existence of weapons of mass destruction said to exist in Iraq, even though Donald Rumsfield would say he knew where to find them.

None of this intelligence mucking about mattered too much because Donald Rumsfield knew what he wanted which was to keep pushing to invade Iraq and so tip over much of the rest of the Middle East. Well that has also happened in Syria, but not so much because of the Iraq Invasion.

The media hyped the case for war. After 9/11 New York world trade center attacks of 2001 everyone was supposed to allow the USA to have its way. As Defense Secretary in the presidency of George Bush, Rumsfeld launched the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the “War on Terror”. The Afghanistan debacle isn’t fully over yet after twenty years. There were many public protests against starting that stupidity as well.

There was a both a fearful silence, and a persuasion of trust in the leadership of the USA, and worth judged by the reputation of its military strength.

The “coalition of the willing”, most nation members of DEWOC , were willing to impose the party discipline of their neoliberal cult on their form member Iraq, thereby justified themselves they were willing to join with bringing on death, destruction, desecration, and ongoing suffering using their own WMD barrage of industrialized weaponry and chemicals.

Wikileaks was setup as necessary since the mainstream media and journalism is now a many times proven failure in its foreign relations reporting and public watchdog roles. Mainstream media are fully tied into the DEWOC systems, by funding. On the internet the facts are there but have to put together using different emotional value systems.

“We are in thrall of a modernist techo-industrial narrative, including neoliberal economics, that reinforces innate expansionism. Neoliberal market economics promotes self-interest and efficiency in accumulating stuff. Ethical and moral considerations are disallowed. Family and community are not part of market calculus. Compassion for others is also extra-market.” — William Rees

“In thrall” means being unable to step away from or release oneself voluntarily.

Wikileaks released evidence of multiple intended deceptions of the USA government, and released recorded evidence of execution of war crimes against foreign civilians. The very least that can be done for the dead.

In seeming revenge, and to weaken Wikileaks, the USA smeared Julian Assange, and charged him with espionage. This intent was passed on to Julian Assange. Events have progressed. The prosecuting magistrate at the extradition hearing used as prime evidence the statements of a Mr Sigurdur Thordarson. Mr Thordarson recently admitted these were all fabrications made in collusion with the USA FBI.

The supervision and conditions of the extradiction hearing were closely controlled by UK political brokers and vested interests tied in to DEWOC security concerns, and networks exposed by Wikileaks publications. Lady Arbuthnot supervised her subordinate District Judge Vanessa Baraitser on the bench. Her husband is Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom. The activities of Lord Arbuthnot and his associates at the defense contractor Thales and British intelligence were the subject of thousands of WikiLeaks exposures, making conflicts of interest so very obvious. How much of the traditional wealth holding British upper classes tied by financial , military and sucurity webs that encircle the global DEWOC?

Typical DEWOC social climbers and dependents, the Lady and Lord Arbuthnot in 2017.

There are many years of deep family investment ties and wealth growth in the oil industries, from the UK global empire history and oil involvement, to help maintain the hereditary rule of these minor “nobility”. Less of a conspiracy and more like a deep social immersion the way fish swim in the sea, and we breath the air. London is a finance capital of the world by location and historical evolution. The very location of the expedition trial betrayed its DEWOC bias. The UK was an active, though under resourced and damaged participant in the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

I respectfully ask the USA Attorney General, that you drop all charges by the USA against Mr Assange. He should be generously compensated for the DEWOC infringements on rights of journalism and set free. He deserves to be allowed spend his remaining years with as much freedom as anyone of us has.

The Julian Assange case is an insult to the hard truths that all of humanity denies, is too afraid to face, and the elites of civilisation are always too afraid to talk about. It tries to bury forever all those killed and maimed for the sake of continued the war crimes of the USA and its DEWOC allies. The case is being prosecuted for the sake of global DEWOC elites and our global self-serving cult of oil consumption doom.



Michael Rynn
Michael Rynn

Written by Michael Rynn

Once was educated and worked in Medical Practice, then did software engineering. Now retired. Still doing music, reading and writing, and website tinkering

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