Doing well to consider the prospects of our energy supported bloat of civilisation, and their ruling vested interests and psycho-social mechanics of collapse denial. Leadership cannot wear a mantle of failure. In this fast changing collapse anticipatory adaption is required. Capitalism goes for catabolic collapse, to protect core wealth, not peoples. A common pattern of nation-states and their unfortunate leaderships, expected to uphold tradition and systems at all costs. Efforts to thwart collapse to a much less consuming.system continue to undermine the carrying capacity available into the further future. This makes global collapse events all the more certain to be sudden, severe and widespread. Thresholds will be when money printing and distribution economics fail to compensate for loss of jobs or welfare. Growing failures and stress , significant minority of people lose access to clean water and food systems, housing, and community health. Current denial systems do focus on keeping out refugees or immigrants, to scape-goating denied minorities, and denying citizenship eligibility. Nation-states operate using unofficial categories of citizens, and we are all being down-categorised, as triage gets more desperate.