Everything is going to change in our world, except our energy hunger.

Michael Rynn
12 min readDec 2, 2021
Seneca Collapse: Growth is slow and sluggish while ruin is rapid. Plague, War, Death, Famine, not necessarily in any particular order, and sometimes all at the same time, are waiting for energy collapse.

Nothing’s gonna change in the Universe, except of course the irreversible changes that obey rules of thermodynamics as they evolve and control everything in time. We are ruled by hard constraints of energy and thermodynamics. These provide the inescapable gotchas to which any civilization of any time period succumbs to after a few centuries of maximal growth of entropy.

Gotcha number one is accelerated decline all the lowest entropy sources, of energy and minerals, until our economies and mining systems must fail from inadequate returns. Our high technology products all come from mining of concentrated low entropy resources. They all end up as waste streams of stuff thrown away into the global environment sinks. This can only occur as long as high quality stocks last. Systems of substitutions will eventually fail.

The energy cost of keeping up oil supply will keep on growing. “Investment” means lots of energy being diverted from other purposes, to the sole purpose of extracting more energy, a task that will defeat even our delusional infinite money generation financial systems. Net energy decline is the most likely result.

Gotcha number two is the consequences of growth, which is the global destruction of the biosphere. We occupy, destroy and consumed ecosystems, and poison them with our spreading wastes.

Our maximum accelerated global civilization is powered by the bonanzas of concentrated fossil sunlight that have…



Michael Rynn

Once was educated and worked in Medical Practice, then did software engineering. Now retired. Still doing music, reading and writing, and website tinkering