Fascist Genocidal Regimes won’t just stop until and unless they are stopped absolutely.

Michael Rynn
3 min readFeb 8, 2025


Just like power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the Fascist Alliance of the USA with the State of Israeli, continues on with genocide business as usual, despite its cease fire in Gaza. This has merely enable the deployment of Israeli forces elsewhere, to follow through with easier targets.

As of Febuary 7th 2025, Israel continues on with its Ethnic Cleansing Campaign, according to this news report link to Al Jazeera, with Israeli troops moving through the West bank area, causing thousands of Palestinians to flee and destroying their infrastructure.


This what a “two state solution” can and will only ever lead to, with one richer proxy state eating up and destroying the other poor despised one. Whatever did anyone ever else expect? Israel is the proxy state for the White Western Empires invasion strategy to pressure access to middle east oil, ever since the black oozy stuff was first shown to be industrial energy gold, and was colonial domination competition focus of two global wars.

Surviving Gazans get to say goodbye to their ruins before the next final solution is implemented for these persistent problems of USA-Zionist Alliance.

The relative world peace intervening enabled a rebuild using the generous flows of oil energy to the rest of the modern industrial world, but now that flow is coming to a slurping sound of a drying up end. The big industrial monsters of the West have grown so much bigger, and still want more.

The combined global PR team of mind hackers, Netanyahu and Trump, announcing the removal of all Palestinians from everywhere, shows that this alliance cannot be stopped by appeals to rationality, cease-fires, treaties, or anything created by ordinary humans.

Netanyahu and Trump apparently loathe each other. However this could by just for show, asthey have both agreed on a transactional big real estate deal. Netanyahu gets keeps his job, and not be assassinated sooin by the CIA, as long as he continues to go ahead with further plans for Isreali slum clean operations moving towards Middle Eastern Oil Fields. Gaza is now ready for stage 2 luxury condominium rebuilds.

The accommodation image that the USA-Israel alliance loves to project. Their final project design.

Plans for units affordable to be sold to USA/Zionist/Israeli conflict investing billionaires are already being drawn up. Rumors that Netanyahu already sold his soul to Satan are untrue. The actual contract is kept in a secret locked cupboard in Washington.

Australian Prime Minister, also part time minor landowner and rentier, Mr Anthony Albanese, was unable to comment on the announcement by T&N Gaza real estate acquisition corp. He obviously knows a done deal when he sees it.

The USA has long been principle supplier of multi-trillions of dollars of people and building genocide weapons, as part of its global resources domination by terror project. It as been claimed by others, that the contract prices have been written and fixed with human blood, creating future ownership of all the Gaza beach front property development in perpetuity.

USA gas companies, want first first access rights to the off-shore gas fields, now it is claimed that all original holders are all conveniently murdered or have vacated their demolished premises. Exon-Mobil and wealthy shareholders in the USA are looking forwards to developing their new extraction facilities close to their newly created markets for USA owned fossil fuels in the Middle east, Europe and the newly vacated territories owned by Black Rock in Eastern Ukraine.

Its a win-win for fossil fueled, growth addicted billionaires everywhere. Soon there won’t be anyone else left able to argue, after everyone gets finished off by the unstoppable global climate bomb, in this internationally televised human blow-up, blow-off, biosphere cook-off contest. No prizes for stupendous collective stupidity.



Michael Rynn
Michael Rynn

Written by Michael Rynn

Once was educated and worked in Medical Practice, then did software engineering. Now retired. Still doing music, reading and writing, and website tinkering

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