Google is the corporation which vacuums up all the data from accessible servers on the internet, and stores and indexes it in interesting ways, that mean searches will find ranking links which parts of nodes of interlinked networks, a giant global database of bullshit.
When the AI research points out that there isn’t a way for this server information, no matter how indexed and graphically represented, to extrapolate useful understanding about the real world by itself, without the aid of evolved humans embedded in biological and spatial reality, the researchers announced that Google wouldn’t be be able to profit by having its own AI brain, which only requires energy and capital.
Google is an internet parasite, a peculiar corporation, in terms of twin and incompatible goals of information bureaucracy services increasing “productivity” – rate of destruction of biosphere, and global integration – maintaining techno-mad civilisation, and the data sphere of all the other exploitative corporations, that use and somehow have to pay for Google’s services. Such complexity of classifying the totally of bullshit of human languages and images not only documents, but adds to our biosphere predicament.
Right now there is a current political conflict in Australia, whereby Google and Facebook have come to money terms with the older model corporate gods of media, such as the monopoly News Corp media, and Mining, Government – Corporations complex. Fighting over shared income of amplifying the social bullshit and ignorance of human communications. None of these global biosphere parasites give a damn for the biosphere life systems that support everything. We are virulent parasites because we are killing our host. Our activities are the direct cause of global species deaths. We do not need an AI to understand that, as if an AI can understand, when we seem to barely understand it.