Necessity is the mother of invention. Us humans are physically and chemically pushing the limits of our globally complex systems of biodiversity, geochemistry, and climate. We are no where near as clever as life systems themselves. After all they created us, we didn’t create them, and we cannot fix them when the systems go wrong, and living subsystems are obliterated. Our consciousness has real limits, and society-culture has limits because every day we can only work from what actually is now. We haven’t mastered the management of sustainability of soil, climate, oceans, and species, evidently we are losing it all. Our emotional systems get screwed up by identification with tribal ideology, culture and language isolation, and religious fantasy, and territorial conflict. The danger becomes we forget about even what little we know, silo our knowledge, and fail to appropriately apply and integrate it to our own behaviour, and stuff up the very complex large time and physical scale systems on which our existence depends. Our Hunter gatherer instincts and emotions, are trying to manage dominance and overshoot inside this ancient subtle and capricious Gaia. We need something like a ministry for the future, because human minds are short lived and so limited, we cannot fully imagine our major handicaps.