Needs to be repeated over and over, to the not listening. End of the global consumption of everything party. Everyone is drunk and confused. Happy, Smashed, then Angry. Civilisation is a vast energy dissipation web, that includes provision of our food, water, clothing, and luxury needs. All consumption, and waste dissipation needs, use machines created by other machines, created from mined materials. All use energy, to be made and operate, and most of that energy and materials require using up hydrocarbons from coal, oil or gas. The accumulated cost is in the ocean and atmosphere changed carbon chemistry and heat. The size of the human population that can continue to be supplied by all of this is shrinking at an accelerating rate. The growing numbers of stranded people , and abandoned machines, are forced to share or fight over the residual capital, and dwindling supplies. The unemployable market , and declining value of money relative to supply is creating the growing global size of unsupportable people and activities. Add in the decline of nature, this 21st century is an exponential rush to a massive global systems collapse. Most people won’t understand this physical necessity until the vanishing tide of energy supply recedes and leaves them powerless. No surprise that no one wants to know.