One for books of the future
Civilization prosecutes the truth.
Julian Assange, still lives in prison as the public representative of Wikileaks. He suffers mental torture by the failed institutions of global civilization. He has been abandoned by the main stream media. He must have done something terribly wrong! Why is Julian Assange is persecuted, accused of charges requiring multiple life sentences for crimes against public lies and hacking of secret computers? The accusations are known fabrications concocted by the current biggest proven liars and murderers of this so-called global civilization of nations, in the eyes of history. Fooled you all again. Treatment of Julian Assange has buried the standards bar underground for human rights. The global behavioral sink is going down to hell.
Wikileaks was setup to receive, publish and make searchable the kinds of private documents that need to be released anonymously for fear of persecution. A tool of freedom for journalists. But the MSM doesn’t want this. If shameful national state secrets are published, the MSM, main stream media, may publish from fear of missing out, and may try and neutralize the facts by not connecting them properly. They will try to minimize public outrage.
A recent publication of evidence, not by Wikileaks, of the fabrication of hacking changes against Julian Assange, has been met with near total silence from the MSM. They must be so terribly ashamed. Institutions of civilization that cannot admit their mistakes and deceptions will keep making them worse. Truth is the first casualty of war, and obviously the last casualty to be revived. Maybe not in the lifetime of this civilization. The wars for oil continue. How is the bombing of Yemen going? Our weapons manufacturers are making millions. So truth has gone missing. Question-stoppers are the standard human answer from public embarrassment.
Journalists with investigative flair and sharp words to sensitive topics are vulnerable to arrests, treason, libel laws, death by contract killers. In war zones they are deliberately targeted by our armies. Our civilization cyborg-machine cannot tolerate objectivity.
The “collateral murder video, at, shows camera views and conversations of an apache helicopter using 30mm exploding fragmentation shells of depleted Uranium, against a obvious group of unarmed civilians. The crew of the helicopter had much better visual equipment than the recording camera, including their eyes and common sense. It is hard not to believe that they just saw an easy way to rack up their kill score. Of course the formalities of kill permission were obtained, so no one got the blame, except for Wikileaks and the whistleblower leaker.
The video is typical of the murderous nature of the military mega-machine, which explains the incredibly large and uncountable large number of civilian casualties and mass migration from Iraq as a result of occupation-war, done entirely for oil supply acquisitions for industrial capitalism. The “rules” of engagement are intrinsically unverifiable. Their weapons are dreadful, and depleted uranium fragments and dust has long lasting environmental consequences. These are the kinds of remote killing machines of our civilization now employs as the principle means of human relationships to living systems and other nation states. The job of the human cyborg-machines of nation states are to murder everything else, and to suspect everyone else. The paranoia and madness keeps growing. The war crimes grow unpunished.
Civilians are also at as much risk. Journalist casualties are highest near conflict zones and uncovering hard secrets . Journos learn what cannot be published. Editors vet them out. Money and control of public opinion is the needs to know basis of everything. Evidence needs a safe repository, so that truth cannot be killed by killing or locking away people. Still no one is safe from the revenge of the powerful in this civilization.
Documents contradict the current propaganda, expose many lies of convenience made for the prejudiced and ignorant. It has always been a crime to reveal state crimes. It is treason to undermine national reputation. Facts disturb the convenient lies that Industrial civilization tells itself.
MSM managed to make the public annoyed by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Government and MSM do not want the public aware that they are being fooled around with using MSM. That public are treated with contempt as stupid, vain and selfish. MSM shallow lies of certainty are easier to feed the public than the difficult work of fact-informed skepticism.
Politicians are annoyed by Wikileaks because nation states commit regular national crimes against humanity, society and environment, in return for lavish rewards, honors and peer praise. Political parties are a liars cheer-up club. The MSM are annoyed too. They compete for the privilege of being propaganda arms of government, especially for the war departments. MSM did not like being scoop published by Wikileaks. The facts showed how they had sucked up to their own governments.
Large segments of society are shook or offended by the contents of Wikileaks documents. They revealed depraved actions ordered by the high and mighty institutions of civilization. The depravity continues, and so Julian Assange is prosecuted by the same depraved institutions.
Every trick in the institutional deceit book of civilization is employed against Julian. Fake evidence, cherry picked evidence, lying witnesses, conscripted magistrates, show trials, abuse of the accused, abuse of extradition law, abuse of diplomatic privileges, blackmail of foreign governments, police kidnapping, spying, and loads of character smear by MSM. Civilization throws its whole library of black-ops books at Wikileaks. Black-ops are what every civilization uses against real evidence and honest representation. Assassination and arranged suicide have not been used yet against Julian Assange. It has been suggested already. Government still is obviously still fabricating their justice vendetta. In a most terrible sense, Belmarsh is a safer place until governments give up on their fear of the truth reflex.
Against powerless people and nations, the black-ops are genocide, mass starvation through sanctions, decades long wars, bombings and occupations. This is for most favorable and competitive resource access for industrial capitalism. “These violent delights have violent ends”.
The justice systems of our great and noble nation grind very fine and slowly, because they are not primarily concerned with justice. They are concerned with the health of the nation-state, its rigid control systems and resistance to appointed authority. So a good man rots in solitary inside cold concrete, isolated from both his defenders and supports, is very limited with any interaction from the outside world. A legal purgatory of punishment by infinitely graded levels courts of legal appeals, with the defense to be handicapped by every possible measure. Even the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals and today’s courts of international justice, as far as I know, did not stoop so low to such measures. A satanic civilization has buried a political heretic in legal hell. Julian will be dead from old age, and civilization will have collapsed before a fair court is allowed to rule on justice.
We are stuck in a civilization of self-delusions, wars and cruelty that we call rationality, good government and justice. Civilization never really appears to have ever existed as a reality. It has been one war after another, encompassed by the continuous war of industrial civilization on all of our living systems.
Nation-states fear most their own citizens who work in the most menial jobs. Most dangerous are cleaners of offices, or or the underpaid, idealistic and abused staff of the powerful. Anyone who might take up morality to copy the contents of private email servers. Any disaffected soldier. The security apparatus of powerful institutions is for protection against their own employees. Anyone offended by society, may have a friend who can copy gigabytes of data on to little memory sticks, photograph incriminating papers with their mobiles, or video the violent assaults and murders by fascist police, or release videos from security cameras showing the intimate casual office affairs of ministers.
The freedom of publication implied by Wikileaks has struck extreme fear into military security apparatus of nation states. Wit is about time to start to score social credits and debits on the powerful. To measure governments by their commitment to stopping the wars on each other and on living systems. Governments need independent surveillance and reporting more than anything else on this planet, to keep them honest. Secrecy breeds poor policy, which breeds failure of correction, which breeds the contempt and the cascades of extremism that civilization calls terrorism. Terrorism is the image of civilization staring at itself in the mirror.
If the privileged of civilization thought Wikileaks was a good idea, they would have already set it up themselves. Wikileaks is the data repository for an open, independent nation commission against corruption, in which anyone can see deposited evidence. Our dark civilization has great need of the benefit from that kind of soul-baring. Wikileaks is a part of a global conscience we all need to adopt, before we can extricate our species from self-extinction.
Governments and MSM have not given up their powers of denial. The Wikileaks documents have not noticeably changed national war policies, or deflected our industrial civilization from its collision course with catastrophe. Elections and candidates are still fixed “professionally”, the MSM is still a tool of power and money. The same social sets stays basking in wealth and power. Inconvenient facts and evidence have been quickly forgotten as if they never happened. So many of younger generations aren’t even aware of this centuries formative events. History is so quickly covered up and forgotten, and lessons never learned. Without consequences to the deciders there can be no redemption.
Governments manage with public relations specialists and spin doctors. Their paid liars are perpetual spinners. Public follow the hypnotizing distractions. The murdered and the horrified of victims of our nation-states are not noticed by us. This is the folly of civilization. National motivations are clear as they are secret. Benefits and money come to those that steal them. The manipulated irrelevance of citizens in the wars of nation states, and the war against living systems is a constant theme. Consider the null effect of the global massed anti-war rallies before the Iraq invasion. Confirmed again by the petulant politicians that mock and ignore requests for global warming mitigation by massed school children whose future is being murdered. This civilizations nation states are dependent on the serial murder of living systems.
Habituated criminals are never worried about how the future may judge them. Nation states are full blown psychopathic with hallucinated reality. The United Nations is a lunatic asylum. No one in government gets prosecuted for telling the public lies, while justice systems ensure truth tellers get prosecuted for revealing government secrets. Governments know they are doing serious wrongs, while public dissension is being prosecuted in more ways every day.
In some future civilization, supposing that some kinds of continuity of civilization and documents survive, books on history will need to study carefully the rapid rise and fall of this global civilization. There will be large amounts of global damage and extinctions to account for. Should they be sympathetic as they write about the failures of us poor unfortunates? Are we victims of our circumstance? Unwitting and ignorant victims convinced of our own cleverness and superiority? Why did we not overthrow our evil masters? Are we all so trapped by the “magnificent bribes” of this global machine civilization? Is this our Sisyphean fate?
Julian Assange sits alone in his concrete cell. Our global civilization supposed has free will, but determinedly marches on, head down, towards its own heat-death row, from which there can be no reprieve or forgiveness.