Ringing overall summary intuition of future global prospects, shares many features of kollapsnik expectations. There is the great fossil energy corruption of western style capitalism, its predation of nature and nations, overproduction, maldistribution, struggling to feed its growing cancers. Environmental blowback , resource depletion, social inequality and breakdown. Meaningless wars, fractured ideologies, weapons races, missiles primed to total global destruction. Barren global cultures of pointless consumption and death, divorced from nature, begging to be wiped clean. Mass media and national propaganda promises slavery for work, mixed with bullshit from the rich, and cruelty towards declining life systems. And yet we enjoy the supplies of creature comforts while they last, waiting for news of the next wave of collapse disaster, hoping it will be somewhere else. This has to be the century of civilisation and ecosystems collapse, we are the agents of Shiva.