Simulation vs Emergence. At what level is the simulation? It isn’t anything like a computer game. Our biology is an emergent agency of much smaller entities, our complex cells, which are themselves made from the interactions of the physical and energy forces carried by molecules and atoms of chemistry. Inside the atoms physicists have identified nuclei and electrons, and whole families of fundamental entities, and their force carriers, and fields. Energies of particle collisions have worked their way higher to shorter distances of 1e-17 metre, and we have fundamental constants of the Planck scale. At each smaller scale, there seem to exist simple mathamatical relationships, and laws of conservation. There are hints that our 4-dimensional space time world of fundamental physics can be modelled as a hologram of events occurring at infinite distance. Either way, we are complex entities of many levels of emergence. Any simulation, intended or not, is at the extreme smallest level of fundamental rules to which by definition, all emergent creatures of the system have no access to change the rules. This does not reduce, but increases the responsibility we have with our increasing knowledge about emergent consequences of our actions on the top level of our personal biological existence on a biological planet of life. It makes no difference, if our reality is intended simulation or not. The rules of emergence from the physics are the same.