The facts never speak exactly for themselves, and must be carefully placed in a multidimensional context in our messy complex systems. Nice, but let us not spice it up more than necessary. Good that solar is now equivalent to oil in new money investment, but this forgets, that coal and gas are fossil fuels as well. It is the total fossil fuel emissions that are growing our climate catastrophe. For climate's sake, new investment in them has to be zero, plus they have to be in a state of rapidly decreasing output, or else all the renewable investment in the world is not going to help our biosphere long term centuries outlook.
I suspect the 1.7 x ratio of dollar spending in favour of non-fossil fuels, to including nuclear, EVs, energy efficiency, has a big something to do investors having lower expected returns on fossil fuel investments, and a growing major desperation of being globally tapped out. Thank god we cannot magically create new untapped fossil fuel resources that would be both economic and socially feasible, otherwise we would still be doing it.
Also EV's still demand a lot of indirect fossil fuel energy. The rate of ICE engine abandonment is much more important than EV creation.
Given that emissions offsets and GHG gas removal technology is costly and minimal effect, net-zero emissions really implies net zero fossil fuels.
Stats also included nuclear in renewables.
Energy is never limitless. Too much causes us to do harm, because our rationality is limited. We need to be in total energy use degrowth, and to stop doing useless stuff with our energy systems, including war and military spending.
Getting a real rate of decline of fossil fuels extraction is far, far more important for our climate and biosphere future, than the rate of growth of renewable energy. Until that happens we are celebrating the wrong statistics.
Emissions keep accumulating in atmosphere and oceans for the long term, until we have gone full negative emissions, including all those tipping points natural emissions to come.
I expect net-zero human species by 2100, such that we and all our domesticated dependents and food sources which have now become about 96% of mammals, are reduced back down to 1% of the surviving species. Then we can hope that Nature still remembers how to evolve back into biosphere balance, from our planetary boundary incursions past the brink of safety.