The feigned injuries of nation-states

Michael Rynn
6 min readAug 12, 2021


Very much describes national governments of today.

There are puzzles to work out, invisible forces of injury, when nation-states arrest people on charges of espionage. It is a becoming competitive fashion of nation states. Canada arrests Meng Wanzhou, Huawei executive, on “fraud” charges, awaiting US extradition hearing. The fraud charges relate to potential violation of trade sanctions placed on Huawei products. China has Michael Spavor sentenced to 11 years on charges of passing sensitive information to a former Canadian diplomat, Michael Kovig, also detained under closed out circumstances. The general term is “hostage diplomacy”. Another canadian in China has a death sentence for drug dealing appeal rejected, although this may be coincidental.

The power of nation-states is based on the ability to control their populations with a illusionary world. This is threatened by independent journalism and information leaks. Breaking the “Omerta” of the nation-state mafia, is the highest capital crime, according to the global-killer nation states. I am re-reading parts of my old copy of “The Lucifer Principle” by Harold Bloom, and this book describes the control of an illusionary world of memes as crystallised power. At the moment nothing else explains the way governments prosecute for their control of information leakage. Here we have positive proof of crimes constantly being committed against nature and persons, behind walls of secrecy.

Control over the peoples illusions is the only thing that stops governments from being overthrown. So we must protect people who break illusions from the power of governments. What’s in your head? It is “Indoctri-Nation”.

Forces of mass indoctrination are required by nation states. What’s in your head?

In the same news bulletin on my radio this morning, the British Justice System, has allowed the expansion of the USA extradition case against Julian Assange.

Clair Dobbin, a lawyer who represented US authorities during a High Court hearing on Wednesday, said Assange — who she said “orchestrated one of the largest thefts of data in history” — does not meet the threshold of being “so ill” that he cannot resist harming himself.

Nothing was said here about Julian Assange publishing inconvenient facts about one of the largest orchestrated war crimes in modern history, committed by the USA, Britain and its Allies. What, did Assange somehow rob these nations of their “virginity”? They had in fact committed largest public hoodwinking ever committed by western national governments, done in order to make war on Iraq for acquisition of its oil resources, involving the killing or displacement of millions of people, and destruction of the civilian. infrastructure of an entire nation. That is what I call global grand crime. USA and Britain should recuse themselves from claiming injury over journalistic slights, since they were the unprincipled murderers and occupiers. The continuing Assange imprisonment, just goes to show how unprincipled the USA and Britain still are.

These collections of earth-robber barons that call themselves nation-state governments are go to Glasgow for the 2021 climate COP, the 26th in a long fruitless series, to negotiate a global shutdown of coal gas and oil production, rather like a bunch of mafia criminals dividing up their territories for extortion purposes. After 25 previous meetings, the only agreement was that industrial civilisation is going to be truely stuffed, and that is now way back in 2015. Lots of reports and no action since. Nothing significant in plans to stem growth in coal, gas and oil consumption, or restrict powers and exploits of capitalist cartels, whose wealth and power absolutely depends on it.(such as the Chinese Government).

Australian government is planning to open new coal and gas fields nearly everywhere possible, and makes no mention or apologies about it. Reason being, the rich elite takers and killers are who our national global governments actually represent. And so we can expect to go on to the 27th, 28th . . . and 50th COP without any significant efforts to pull down the leaders of capitalist earth plunder, nor do anything significant about climate mitigation, climate justice, or justice of any kind for capitalist plunder, since the people making the rules, are the same ones benefiting from the plunder.

I do think that the industrial developed nations, are in this for the resources consumption pyramid scheme, and climate destruction scheme, that has characterised industrial civilisation since its very beginning, manifested in colonial invasions, and continued resource robbery. Several writers on Medium have expressed the whole human species disaster vigorously and clearly. Just this morning I read “” with “Capitalism is a planetary pyramid scheme”. So clearly put, nothing to disagree with there.

China has became a rabid capitalist nation, evidenced by its industrial growth as a climate destructor on steroids. China has clearly picked up what are the working rules of global behaviour from its former historial treatments by former gold medalists, best exemplars and climate killers of the USA and Britain. “International law” as such, is a total failure, because such laws are created by the actions of thieves and killers, and their protests are laughable, as are the extradition cases being applied by the USA, for either Meng Wanzhou and Julian Assange. The Assange persecution is an order of magnitude higher benchmark in the all time pole vault jump records of nation-state hypocrisy.

Since I am maybe wasting everyones time in writing this diatribe from the powerless, I might as well waste some more and publish below a cut and pasted poem I thrashed out on the keyboard last night. The pattern is supposed to fit within a musical tune. Maybe if we all have a sustained and decent rage, we can mob pull down the rich peoples mafia nation states.

There will be no lifeboats as global warming grips earth. Temporary isolated areas of survival with limited carrying capacity will be repelling all the refugees. Welcome to the fortress-capitalist world.

And to escape from that fate, we have to live without burning the rest of earths available coal, oil and gas. The people who could do that, have the big problem of stopping the large numbers of people who think that they can’t live without it. In which case, the climate policy of Australia exporting as much fossil fuels as cheaply as possible to the cliff hangers, is a very bad thing.

Stop wasting our disappearing time of liveable climate.

The climate science is clear,
our energy is bought very dear,
each tonne, we emit, is going to kill,
our future chances, for living still,

Money that your mates make,
coal gas and oil they take,
tax free, scott-free, then its gone,
up in the air, in the oceans long.

Building up more and more,
Scientists know the score.
They say, its time to stop, and rest,
No more, this waste, and senseless zest.

Australia will have it worst.
Ours land’s are dying of thirst.
Each year the bushfires roast alive.
More plants and animals won’t survive.

It’s time right now for change.
Before our systems de-range.
God isn’t fooled by big denial.
Trashing creation is the most vile.

Children will die in hell.
Heat waves will kill so well.
No food shall grow, nor meat to eat,
Soil blown away, all life is defeat

Why did the rich so choose?
There was so much they would lose.
Death by starvation, to skin and bone,
View the past, when our chances were blown.

When Scott Morrison says,
I’m not going to change my ways.
I won’t give up on privilege.
Sells carbon to be filthy rich.

We few keep the money tight.
We money-think day and night.
Who cares when living species die?
This never made a banker cry.

People could live and toil,
Without coal, or gas nor oil.
Mankind has done so, till not long ago.
Australia will do so again, we all know.

We could live without hypocrites.
That spin for mining “elites”.
Governments of wanton climate cowards.
Time wasted by hot-air blowhards.



Michael Rynn
Michael Rynn

Written by Michael Rynn

Once was educated and worked in Medical Practice, then did software engineering. Now retired. Still doing music, reading and writing, and website tinkering

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