The odure that genetic science seems at times to attract, maybe is related to its claims of contribution to determinism of behaviour and capability. All of life's possibilities and ongoing operations, exist because of genes, even those in viral DNA and RNA. The same odium fails to be applied to all of physics, where thermodynamics, forces and particle interactions, result in the ongoing destiny of the entire universe. Everything as if in a giant calculation happening with every entities neighbour. Calculation destiny works up each level of emergence, including all chemical metabolic processes that run the interpretational "wetware" of our brains and our behaviour, and our memory recordings of conscious feeling awareness. We are moving aggregates of computation with components of mass and energy at all scales.
Yet of course our operating system makes it feels like we have souls, and make choices and responses at all levels, as all animals and even plants do. So not only the late Edward Wilson was a puppet of the giant ongoing universal computation, even in death, but also is puppet of her makeup and genes, is the Author of this "Scientific American" article opinion piece, as it plays out her interpretative operating system of feeling led beliefs. Going down to the political level, and average social and scientific sophistication of the Scientific American, it appears to be in decline. One wonders who the editors are, and what direction their paymasters are encouraging them to take. Also puppet victims of causative computation, that these fellow puppets will be calling "choices".