This stuff ignores the second law of thermodynamics. Any complex system never can use all the energy of any energy flow supply. The best mechanism of any scale, machine or biological must waste a significant fraction as heat. To build all the infrastructure, on current technologies, requires mining, processing which create enormous amounts of physical and chemical wastes, which unavoidably accumulate to poison the entire biosphere. Since these industrial manufacturing processes are materially inefficient, energy costly, and dependent on limited lucky finds, there is no scope to fully recycle materials and handle wastes. A type I civilisation of such waste producing technology cannot exist in reality. Before it could be finished, it will be overwhelmed by the huge amounts of disorder necessary to create the extremely ordered technics that actually represent systems death, because they cannot be self renewing.
It also sounds pointless and soul-less, and same-ness everywhere. A giant prison system of cities and technology no room for the living. Is this what we were evolved to be?
Preindustrial biosphere evolved life systems had the entropy problem very sustainably sorted out. The energy not used directly by “primary production” of photosynthesis, powered the weather systems, ocean circulations, or went back into space to keep the system in heat energy balance. Systems which failed to recycle their wastes disappeared. The captured energy in plants powered the global civilisation of bio-diverse beings in abundance. The evolved internal organisations and external systems of living beings are far superior to anything invented so far in our brief guttering flame of industrial civilisation.