Wake up call for Capitalists! The world has been so cheapened, and so must we! We are going to have to shrink ourselves too! Not at all like the movie “downsizing“, it will be a matter of numbers of starving.
The NYTimes article didn’t mention the all important word “oxygen”, which is in the Scientific American article, “The Ocean is Running Out of Breath”.
Warming acidic ocean water doesn’t dissolve as much Oxygen, from gas exchange with the surface.
Melting ice water sits on top of saline, slows mixing and taking oxygen to deeper layers.
Warm oceans tend to stratify more, warmest at the top, means less convective mixing.
The Phytoplankton that make up a lot of the global oxygen replenishment, don’t seem to be doing so well either, declines in eight out of ten ocean regions.
Zooplankton are very sensitive to lower Oxygen, they live around dynamic survival margins.
So oxygen is becoming lower, and ocean food webs are shrinking.
It appears that Capitalism protects itself by making all its business inputs “cheaper”. This allows it to over-produce, compete and claim profits.
Especially now the cost of money, unnatural low interest rates.
If only we could starve Capitalism of “cheap” inputs, like our impacts are staving the oceans of Oxygen. Raising interest rates till that toxic substance — money, becomes rarer, and slows its rate of monetising nature, is what all capitalists are afraid of.