Why are we so crazy? Bitcoin is a trick to get people to pay for their internet infrastructure. Bitcoin is a subsidiary of the internet. Which has even more energy and non-renewable resource consumption. It will collapse with our civilisation. Transactions must happen on the internet. They are recorded on the hard-memory storage of servers. Bitcoins are saved “offline” on the PetaBytes of portable Flash memory storage “Wallets”. This will be dead data when the internet collapses. Not much different from all that other imaginary fiat currency used to buy and horde these bitcoins. But our dollars we spend could instead be used to raid more of nature’s resources for our ever growing populations biological needs. The growing scarcity of viable nature ecosystems for food , water, fibre and minerals, the diminishment of all renewable resources, is what is driving the real loss of value of our money. The underlying collapse of “carrying capacity” makes us poorer by the day. The build-up of greenhouse gases is real future extinction debt.
No matter how smart our machines, they have no purpose and future without us, because they cannot build themselves and grow. They are not living. Yet. If we somehow built self-reproducing machine life from the nano-technology upwards, that could migrate and evolve across space, that would be the end of biological life in the Universe. Imagine a species even more evolved to exploit for unconstrained, unbalanced consumption and exponential growth, than current techno-mad humans. What an infection that would be, like Ebola on steroids, it would consume its host sources of Universal matter and energy, and die out quickly. Just as our kind will. Consider the vast distances of space-time, and the expanding Universe, the Universes self-insurance policy, against exponential growth agents of gobbling destruction.