Michael Rynn
5 min readDec 19, 2019

Without a serious application of all-out methods to weed out agents of fossil fuel blight disease from institutions, corporations and governments, our global civilisation is already brain dead.

Sorry for the poor visibility image today. It is the start of 3 — day extreme heat wave, moving across Australia to Sydney, likely to break new temperature records. The air in Sydney has been clogged for weeks from uncontrolled bush fires. There are level 3 water restrictions in force. Given our current trends and governance, this situation is sure to become “progressively” worse.

December 10 , 2019 Sydney chokes in weeks of bush fire smoke, after long term drought, a fitting warning punishment for the land of full blown global heating denial and fossil fuel wealth exploitation.

Why is Australia a regular disgrace at every COP? Why, because we let “them” do it to us. The greenhouse mafia people are useful idiots to the owners of global fossil fuel wealth, are planted in our political parties, and media, and are among biggest corporate board salary earners of all time, are part of a global network of self serving greenhouse mafia, for whom fossil fuel exploitation is the richest energy and money source in the world, making them the wealthiest, richest bunch of biosphere killers in the entire history of planet earth.

Their organisation networks have infiltrated the wealthiest ownership and incomes scams of capitalist society, and are slightly more sophisticated evolution of the social control of gangster societies. Mutuality of shared profit exploitation, and secrets-keeping form the basis of the network rules. Whatever system of government you may have, be sure that routes to the easiest wealth and power have already been occupied by modern gangster mob.

They laugh all the way to the bank while they frack all creation, and feel drunk on power and good in dominating it. Being a compliant member of this gangster cabal is more important to them than life itself, because that is where the social status hive mind of the human species works badly.

Solution — infiltrate them and take out the environmental numbskulls. Most political parties today are far too weak to weed out the puppets of fossil fuelled wealth, are embedded in them.

We cannot afford to have global heating deniers in the top influential positions in human society. It needs to be an outright disqualification. They need to be pulled out as fast as possible. Start with Angus Taylor and Scott Morrison, those two climate science retards. Angus Taylor is placed in charge of the nations fossil fuel cash registers. He is Minister for emission reductions jokes and clever accounting, but seems to be innumerate. Scott Morrison is Prime Minister in charge of shop management, a position best described as Advertising Mouthpiece for the Creative PR of the Minerals Council of Australia, which is made of largely foreign owned corporations, making Scott Morrison essentially a foreign agent.

“Clever Accounting and Creative PR” — for me this “the Australia Epithet”. This phrase is from Greta Thumberg speech at the COP 25 — See the Democracy Now video link and transcript at https://www.democracynow.org/2019/12/12/greta_thunberg_speech_cop_time_magazine.
The clever accounting part is from Australia’s bag of faking emission cuts tricks, this one being the Kyoto exceptions that were negotiated by Australia’s Greenhouse mafia way way back in 1997 as a special condition for ratification, as “the Australia Clause”. It reduces Australia’s already low target efforts by half.

If these fossil fuel blight networks cannot clean up the climate incompetence’s of their own ranks, then it needs to be done externally, as fast as possible, with the whole fetid rats nest smoked out and broken up.

What has elected the third rate political retreads of today, has been extreme fossil fuel wealth tied to 50 years of global climate science denial. That is why Australia is on a crash course of being a global fossil fuel exploitation resource. Our political parties will take exploitation money from anyone. Undocumented donations and finance channels, jobs for the boys, cash in Aldi-bags, it’s all the same for them. There are so many blatant ways, any Independent Commission Against Corruption setup would immediately fall deep into them. Which is why the Australian government intends never to pass legislation for this.

The professional fossil fuel share owning pick-pockets have their snouts far too deep into the blood feeding trough, to notice where and when everything will come to an end, as more contenders push and shove to join the final exploitation game.

Actual national management of anything important to national future is not going to get anything done, without a major turnover of personnel, based on filtering out all job applicants who do not have a clear understanding of sciences of ecology and global climate as an essential guide on policy.

Unfortunately biological and climate science and balanced philosophy about systems limits is relatively new to traditional government gangster games of wealth and power domination from the reptilian parts of the human social mind.

Meanwhile, very concerned and motivated climate activists have occupied the Prime Ministers official residence at Kirribilli house, while Scott Morrion goes on a overseas holiday, and fire-fighting organisations are robbed of yet more funding by his government, Bush fire emergencies are getting worse every year. The state government of NSW has declared a “State of Emergency”, but it is yet to declare a “Climate Emergency”.

The fire chiefs are extremely annoyed with the Federal Government.

“The Prime Minister has urged everyone to calm down about bushfires raging through NSW, Queensland, and now WA.”

“The Prime Minister has said he takes advice from fire chiefs and will provide any assistance that is requested. However, his government continues to sit on a business case, more than 12 months old, pleading for more money to lease large firefighting aircraft.”

Below is coal climate leadership of Australia. Note the gangster uniform of blue suites and ties for the men, light blue coats for women. And the great advertising stunt of the lump of coal in parliament, supplied by the Minerals Council of Australia. Fossil fuel money changers need to be tossed out of the temples of governments.

From my point of view, the only value in the Donald Trump impeachment process in the USA, is that it removes a global heating denial and incompetent from office. Unless impeachment and high office qualifications take seriously the needs to have ecological and climate science credentials, the world will continue to get fossil fuel wealth minders who nullify all possible actions of civilisation to adapt to the limits of the world, and will continue destroying it.

Michael Rynn
Michael Rynn

Written by Michael Rynn

Once was educated and worked in Medical Practice, then did software engineering. Now retired. Still doing music, reading and writing, and website tinkering

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