You described many social limitations of going to large scale one way technology. Industrialism and technology forms a Process Machine that evolves and competes to become large scale, for socialism or capitalism, it is all about PM system growth. The PM feeds on the practically irreversible exploitation of diminishing resources, converting higher grade materials to widespread waste. We only see our cultural artefacts and delude ourselves they are good while the growth phase lasts. The short term return to investment is scale dependent over all parts of the processing chain. Growth wins. The PM becomes more impersonal and powerful with growth. The winners are invested and blinded with growth. Our dissipative growth systems depend on cheap energy flow. As fossil fuel energy flow itself gets used up, and each net unit costs more energy, there are not enough resources to maintain and run the systems and provide all our technology goods and services. This is the collapse process. The system becomes a large mountain of poison waste, spread across the entire planet. The name tags of Capitalism and Socialism are meaningless, because most of our technology and industrialism use poor system regeneration cycles, and destroy global evolved living systems regeneration cycles, as part of PM profits of scale, and so the Collapse Process is designed to win. The Free Market is the introductory get rich wish figment of our technology aided delusions.